Account Balance Indicate the amount of the current valuation of your capital
Risk This is the amount of risk you want to take on this trade, as a percentage, relative to your capital.
Entry This is your entry price, the current price if you are entering the market, or the price at which you plan to enter (stop orders, etc).
Stop Loss This is the price level at which you will set your stop loss
Reward/Risk Multiple of your risk that you want to use as a target (ex: I risk 1 to gain 3)
Fees Indicate here the percentage of fees charged by your broker
Slippage Whether on an entry on a stop order or on an exit with a stop loss, the order is rarely executed at the price indicated. The Slippage, indicated in %, takes into account the shift that there may be on your entry price, as well as on your exit price.
NB: uFinz can in no way be held responsible for the use you make of this position size calculator, its calculations or its estimates.